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Thank you for re-electing me! - - - - - I was elected to be a visionary for our County's future, not a guardian of the status quo. - - - - - I was honored to represent Washington County at a White House Conference in August of 2019. - - - - - I strive to be one of the most approachable County Board Supervisors - - - - - I want to increase cooperation with the City of West Bend, including consolidating services, to free up money in the City budget to help fund road repairs

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Tonight's Constitutional Resolution

Tonight our County Board will vote on Resolution 17, supporting the Constitution.  Some have called it a "sanctuary" resolution, and I think that is a matter that is up for interpretation.  I will be voting in favor of this resolution.

A lot of controversy has been stirred up, based on the issue of whether or not our County would use this resolution as the basis to resist a state or federal mandate that everyone wear masks.  While we are not directly voting on the issue of mask mandates, we are voting on a commitment to protecting our rights, which could include opposing a mask mandate.

I very strongly believe that the wearing of masks is a personal choice.  If someone feels vulnerable, and wants to wear a mask to protect themselves, that is their choice and I will support it.  If someone does not want to wear a mask, or has health conditions that make it less viable to wear a mask, I support them choosing to refrain from wearing a mask.  I view that as being the freedom and responsibility that comes with being an American.

A government's role right now should be to provide advice while supporting the rights of everyone to make their own personal decisions.  A government should not be imposing mandates that infringe upon personal our personal liberties.

I have seen some concerning things from our state government over the last 4 months, some of which seem to rise to the level of constitutional overreaches.  Times of crisis are when we need to be the most vigilant about protecting our constitutional rights, because that is when it is easiest for government to rationalize and justify infringements on our rights.  Once we give up a right, it is difficult to get back.

UPDATE---The resolution passed unanimously.

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