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Thank you for re-electing me! - - - - - I was elected to be a visionary for our County's future, not a guardian of the status quo. - - - - - I was honored to represent Washington County at a White House Conference in August of 2019. - - - - - I strive to be one of the most approachable County Board Supervisors - - - - - I want to increase cooperation with the City of West Bend, including consolidating services, to free up money in the City budget to help fund road repairs

Saturday, August 8, 2020

County Updates

Statement from County Executive Josh Schoemann
There was some confusion regarding the health department website, and an e-mail address for managing inquiries and complaints related to the mask mandate.  Our County Executive put out a statement about it.  In short, “Washington County is not enforcing the mandatory mask mandate.”

Washington County is not enforcing the mandatory mask mandate. Sheriff Schulteis has made this clear from his law enforcement perspective, District Attorney Bensen has said it is extremely difficult to prove and Public Health Officer Johnson has made clear that the health department does not have the time or the resources to pursue any complaints. The health department will not be investigating reported mask mandate violations.

Complainers have inundated the health department with calls and emails. The health department's job is to assist the public to get tested and assist businesses and organizations in mitigating outbreaks or hotspots. Please stop complaining to them and wasting their time, so that they can do their important work of contact tracing, test monitoring and helping businesses and schools to stay open.

Separating these email inboxes ensures the unhelpful complaints do not clutter the real work of the department.

These frivolous complaints, and all mask mandate complaints, are not going to be responded to by the health department. Please do not call the health department to complain or spam the dedicated COVID 19 questions email. Do not waste law enforcement time and resources with these pointless calls or emails. Do not pester the District Attorney's office, they have real criminal cases to prosecute. Complaining about your neighbors or businesses slows the COVID-19 response and is not helpful.

Wearing a mask is the polite and responsible thing to do; the citizens of Washington County are capable of making their own decisions to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Government over-reach from the Governor
Let’s be honest, this virus seems scary, and the news media has certainly done its share to increase that sense of fear.  I lost a former coworker two weeks ago due to suicide, and in the last month I have had 2 constituents and 1 coworker mention that a person they knew had committed suicide within the last month.  In the entire rest of my life, I have never know of this many suicides.  In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan said “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.”   Of course, he was not speaking of covid-19, but his words seem fitting.

Our Governor has, in violation of the law, declared a state of emergency for the second time, for the same emergency.  To do this, he ramped up testing, creating record levels of negative and positive tests, and then claimed the increase in positive tests warrants the second declaration.  Besides mask mandates, this declaration if left unchallenged might permit the governor to close all schools and even locking down our state again.  Our economy cannot handle another lockdown, and quite frankly it seems completely unnecessary given the small surge, if any surge, that Wisconsin has seen in actual infection rates.  Keep in mind, each of these actions will be temporary, maybe 30 days, and then each will be extended, and extended again, and then yet again.  In May, we found out that our Governor wanted to keep our state closed through February of 2021.

Washington County will be challenging the Governor’s illegal and unconstitutional actions, which constitute a clear over-reach of the authority of the executive branch.

Regarding the mask mandate, I don’t like government mandating solutions.  Many people, including me, have issues that make wearing masks challenging.  If I had to go into an environment where I knew there were lots of vulnerable people, I would find a way to tough it out and wear a mask for that time period, that’s the caring thing to do.  I also make a point to actively avoid being in those situations, which is also the caring thing to do.  And, when I am out and about in the community, I make a point to social distance, which is also the caring thing to do.  On the other hand, I reject the idea that, simply because there is a 1 in 750 chance that any one of us might have covid, we all have to wear masks everywhere we go and all day at work.  Social distancing has done a lot to slow the spread of this virus, and in most public settings that will usually be enough.

I am proud to report that last month, our County Board unanimously approved resolution 17, which upheld our oath of office and our commitment to upholding the constitution.  Challenging the governor’s overreach will be part of that commitment.

I also question the one-size-fits-all nature of a mask mandate.  Florence County still has only 7 cases, and a population of only 4,295 people.  That population is largely rural.  In contrast, Milwaukee County now has 20,637 cases, in part due to high population and population density.  Why do these two counties need Madison-issued decrees that treat them exactly identical?  The one-size-fits-all approach shows a lack of common sense.  These issues should be handled locally, as each County has its own unique situation.

Quick facts about COVID-19
Per the state DHS website, as of yesterday (8/7/2020):
·         Nobody under the age of 20 in Wisconsin has died of COVID.  Not one child.
·         Only 135 of confirmed cases are people under the age of 20.
·         For people under the age of 20 who test positive, less than 2% ever need hospitalization.
Active cases
·         Active cases 9,534 (in a state of roughly 6 million people).
·         96% of people who died from covid were over the age of 50.
·         88% of people who died from covid were over the age of 60.
·         At least 44% of those who have died lived in a long-term care facility or group home.  It is possibly that this percentage is as high as 72%.
·         Lastly, a MacIver Instute review found that, of 383 covid deaths in Milwaukee County, 372 (97%) had other contributing health conditions.  In some cases, the death certificates listed 6 other serious health conditions that contributed to the death.

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